Scan & Go
Proper implementation of Scan & Go is a tough nut to crack. And that’s where 4MAX’s industry-leading Scan & Go solution stands out from the competition.
We help retail businesses implement their Scan & Go service in the most effective way possible to increase user engagement and improve workflow efficiency. Our team can show retailers how and when to launch their Scan & Go functionality in addition to how to make it stick over the years.
Here’s what we have to offer:
- The necessary know-how.
- A stable, proven core.
- Smartphone and/or scanners.
- Online/offline/semi-online.
- Integration middleware to talk to your systems easily.
- Shopping lists, allergens, detailed product info.
- Mobile payments.
- Navigation (based on our own tech or on Signify).
- Comprehensive security (real-time monitoring, trust levels, partial/full re-scans, weight-based checks, small mistake tolerance, exit checkpoints, variable end-of-trip codes, event sounds, exit gates, scanner theft protection, advanced AI-based fraudulent behavior detection).
- Unobtrusive product recommendation engine.
- And a team that will do everything on Earth to make the project a success.

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About Us
We solve problems in retail using a combination of software and hardware.
We are doers, not talkers.
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